Hearts Eclipsed by L.C. Son

Hearts Eclipsed by L.C. Son

Author:L.C. Son [L. C. Son]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: L.C. Son
Published: 2021-04-21T00:00:00+00:00


I don’t know what’s worse releasing her from my grip or the daggering pain piercing through my newly revived heart upon leaving her side. Sure, I’ve felt pain before, but nothing like this. At her side, a cascading stream of peace washed over me like dew resting on the leaves on a midsummer’s morning. If it weren’t for the beast raging inside me to be free, I have no doubt I would have never left her alone.

Still, even the beast within was somewhat subdued in her presence. Perhaps even he wanted nothing more than just to be near her. But I can’t risk it.

As I take my flight away from the club, the throbbing beat of my heart fades to a quieter rhythm, but it does not die. For that I am thankful. If what I now feel even faintly resembles true love, then I anxiously await the joys of experiencing love in full bloom!

Thoughts of her body pressed against mine stir my loins with titillating desire. But this was unlike any fleeting guise of lust. I want to know her. What does she like? What does she want? Need? I also know I would gladly end any who seek to harm her, and I would do so without question. I only want to keep her safe, loved, and protected. Always.

Once more, Trieu’s warning flickers through my mind and the lingering notion of threats against my newfound love, fuel a burning rage within me. Knowing she is with Braelyn and under the watchful eye of Jerrica gives me some peace that she is safe.

However, tonight is a full moon and that means there is still more to fear. Not only does the threat of the full moon terrorize my thoughts but so does my brother’s scheming. Mania fills my mind at all the possible perils lurking in the distance and I know I must do what I can to ensure no harm comes to my beautiful lady or those I care for.

I hear a faint cry and tussling from the ground at the edge of the Quarter and I make my way to the area.

“My Lord Marchand! Always glad to have you lend a helping hand,” Cedric’s bright tune is welcoming despite his scuffle with a large Scourge as I land in the wooded lot. His wide smile meets his eyes, and he tosses two mangled Scourge arms at my feet, obviously proud at his triumph.

“Looks like I came too late for the party,” I answer kicking the Scourge husks aside.

“Never too late, my lord,” he answers pointing behind me. My instincts drive my elbow deep into the belly of a lanky vampire approaching my rear. Lifting it overhead, I body slam the creature into the ground, burying my feet into its chest wall and reaching down to pull its slimy head from its body before it combusts.

“Nice work!” Cedric laughs as he lunges his sword between two Scourges, impaling them to the ground.

“Good work, yourself!” Cedric’s wife, Abigail exclaims


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